Thursday, March 3, 2011

Welcome to wee tot spirit! I got a spirited one -- how 'bout you?

This blog is designed to be a network for parents of spirited aka challenging children. I am the proud parent of an eleven month-old little boy who I'll call Tig.  Tig is a healthy and beautiful boy but he's not your garden variety kiddo.  He stands out in a crowd of babies. He's louder, more active, more persistent, and seems to need much more attention than the rest of his peers. He was the newborn that barely slept, cried even while feeding, and was called colicky.  He was the infant who hated baths, car rides, the stroller, being held horizontally and not being held. He's an outgoing and social little guy, who now spends a lot of his life in the extremes of either laughing or screaming --  but not much time in between.

This blog is for me to learn from other parents of kids like mine. Please hit me up if you can relate. This blog is also a chance for me to share what I can to support other parents of Tigs too.  I'll be sharing tips, product recommendations, ideas, research, the occasional rant and more.  Welcome to wee tot spirit! 

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